The Soccer Tots program is an opportunity to introduce your 3 or 4 year old to soccer, group activity and to get them on the pathway to enjoying physical activity. The idea is to introduce children to soccer by developing their motor, ball, and listening skills. Learning fun games and engaging in activities with a soccer ball are the focus of this program. The children are divided into coed groups and our experienced staff trainers will lead the age appropriate group activities. There are no competitive games, no losers. All winners!
For further info and online registration click here.
Youth Development Program (YDP)
YDP is for ages 5-2nd grade. We offer 2 and 3 days a week options. We meet one weekday evening and Saturday morning with the training staff. They are grouped as teams with the trainer.The program is scheduled for 8 weeks (weather and field conditions permitting). A jersey, shorts and socks are provided. Parents will provide shin-guards, water bottle, soccer cleats and a size 3 soccer ball.
For further info and registration click here.
Recreation Teams Program
For players 3rd-6th grade children are grouped for coed team play. Teams will practice one evening a week and play games on Saturday mornings with other MLU Rec teams. All games will be small sided games.
If you are interested in coaching a team please contact us, at [email protected], so that we may form teams. The teams are scheduled for 8 games: season, weather and field conditions permitting.. Uniforms are provided. Parents are responsible for cleats, shin-guards and a size 4 soccer ball. Currently carded travel soccer players may not register and play recreation soccer.
For further info and registration click here.
Winter Indoor Program
For ages 5-2nd grade children. The program runs on Saturday mornings in January and February. 8 sessions, run by our training staff. There are limited spots available for the winter indoor program due to space constraints.